Non Cancer Projects

An investigation of novel biomarkers for cardiac disease and stroke screening and diagnosis
- Harry Hemingway, Aroon Hirgorani, Phillipa Talmud (UCL), Usha Menon, Aleksandra Gentry-Maharaj (UCL)
Cardiometabolic disease prediction, causal analysis and drug development using high-resolution 1 H- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomics (The UCLEB consortium)
- Aroon Hingorani , JP Cassas, Usha Menon, (UCL)
Identification of novel biomarkers of heavy alcohol use and liver fibrosis in primary care
- William Rosenberg, Paul Trembling Usha Menon, Aleksandra Gentry-Maharaj (UCL)
- Clinical fellowship
Discovery of biomarkers of ageing in serum samples from UKCTOCS
Commercial collaboration
Assessment of high density lipoprotein (HDL) function in coronary artery disease in a nested case-control study
Commercial collaboration
Detecting seeded protein aggregation in serum samples from patients with Alzheimer's disease versus controls
UCL/Cambridge University